Favoritbuero GbR

Printmedien // Editorial Design // Buchcover // Corporate Design // New Media
Printmedien // Editorial Design // Buchcover // Corporate Design // New Media
Freelancer – Kommunikation – Beratung: PR/Marketing, New Media, Coaching/Training, Officeorganisation
Vertriebsexpertise für die Kreativbranche & Organisationsentwickler
highly experienced, pro-active, open and adaptable professional, and always motivated by new challenges
Crowdfunding, unlimited—Dreamojo is a new way to fund all kinds of projects
Kommunikationsdesign, New Media, Design Thinking, Cross Media, Research, Typografie
EyeEm is the world’s premier community and marketplace for the photographer inside all of us. At EyeEm clients purchase real, authentic imagery created by a new, evolving generation of photographers.
Digital Markets Group Creating new digital markets