True motion pictures GmbH

True motion pictures is a creative film production for modern brands based in Berlin.
Du suchst nach dem Text „film production“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Film/Video suchen?
True motion pictures is a creative film production for modern brands based in Berlin.
Experienced Video Editor adept in meeting client needs throughout the entirety of the film process, with a demonstrated history of working in the advertisement, broadcast and marketing industry. Bringing forth a motivated attitude and a variety of power
Films, Movies, Advertisements, Corporates Videos, Video Clips etc, Berlin, Germany
PR, Sport/ Action, Event-Fotografie, Wassersport, Outdoors, Travel
International ausgezeichnete Medienagentur, Oscar-prämierte Filmproduktion.
Kameramann, EB-Team, Digi Beta, Beta SP, Dvcpro 25/50
Medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Fachberatung von Medienprofessionals