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Corporate Design (CI/CD), Branding, Automatisierte Katalogerstellung (Publish-on-Click), E-Journal, Pressearbeit

80469 München

d-facto-motion GmbH

3D Animation | Compositing | Digitale Farbkorrektur (non-linear) | Grafikdesign | On Air Design | Schnittplatz Vermietung | VFX Producing | VFX Supervising

81667 München

LOBO Design

LOBO Design – Agentur für On- und Offline-Kommunikation

40235 Düsseldorf

adidas AG

The adidas Group is a global leader in the sporting goods industry with sports brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle.

91074 Herzogenaurach
11.11.2010 (aktualisiert )


Für bleibende Werte. Markenkommunikation on- und offline

71640 Ludwigsburg
16.11.2010 (aktualisiert )

3M Gtg – GtgGmbH

We design and deliver digital media solutions as a bridge from physical space to the digital world. With a focus on user experience, we ensure added value for our clients with efficiency and enhance people’s work and life quality.

82152 Planegg/München
06.12.2010 (aktualisiert )

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