Aaron Jablonski

Creative Developer | Technical Artist | Unreal | Unity | Three.js | XR | Immersive Technologies
Creative Developer | Technical Artist | Unreal | Unity | Three.js | XR | Immersive Technologies
I Help You Build Unity & Unreal Games & Apps (3D, Tech Art, Lighting & VFX)
Digital and Analogue Production Design, xR, AR
Architekturvisualisierung, 3D, VR, AR, Metaverse, Real Estate Marketing
Grafikdesignerin, Web-Einsteigerin und AR-Programmierbegeisterte
Augmented + Virtual Reality, Mobile, AR, VR, Unity3D, Realtime Content für Visual Simulation und Games
I am working as a 3D Generalist with a focus on AR, VR and Motion Design