Profile Translations English/German

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German Autolabs GAL GmbH

German Autolabs is a Berlin-based technology company focusing on the future of the car. We build products and services to support this exciting evolution, using technology with a human touch to make driving safer and smarter.

10997 Berlin

Eric Okun

American English-Language Texter based in Munich, specializing in Film Project Presentations, Marketing Materials, Screenplay Translations (Deutsch-English), Trailer Texts and Concept Development

80469 München

Ohlrogge Translations

Konferenzdolmetschen, Simultandolmetschen, Simultanübersetzung, Konsekutivdolmetschen, Flüsterdolmetschen, Übersetzungen, Vermietung von Konfernztechnik/Beschallungstechnik, Konferenzberatung

20148 Hamburg

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