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Constance Zimmer

Current student of Architecture and Urban Design, as well as German Studies. Graduation date Summer 2008.

70569 Stuttgart

International Institute for Family Enterprises

Our Institute is dedicated to family businesses in the Arab region and German-speaking Europe. All of our activities are conceptualized to support family business leaders and future generations in developing sustainable family business strategies.

10117 Berlin

Olof Ekman

Former Hyper Island student, Planner who orientates well in the digital sphere, passionate about communication and service development, and intermediate german speaker.

12051 Berlin

Miriam Molitor

Sprecherin, Werbesprecherin,Profisprecherin, German voice over talent, Synchronsprecherin, Sängerin, Sprachproduktionen sowie Werbung aller Art!

44357 Dortmund
05.12.2012 (aktualisiert )

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