Medienagentur Klöcker

Crossmedia Marketing Web, Print, Foto, Film, Onlineshop, Briefwerbung, Webdesign
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Crossmedia Marketing Web, Print, Foto, Film, Onlineshop, Briefwerbung, Webdesign
Fashion Designer (B.A.) with international work experience in the high-fashion industry
hop from our wide collection of wholesale t-shirts for men and women
Bildbearbeitung, Fotodesign, EBV, Composing, Postproduktion, Postproduction, Post Production, Post Produktion, Post, Retusche, Retouch, Foto Art, Post, Kreativretusche, Lookentwicklung, Photoshop, Freelancer, München Berlin Hamburg London
jann liebert fotografie | portrait, reportage, people, architektur, dokumentation | m. +49 (0) 175.7849660 | london-munich | fax +49 (0) 1212.510145407 – | t0705mag