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doo GmbH

doo is a fast-growing app startup based in Bonn. We have developed „Scanbot“ the best document scanning and cutting-edge image processing technology on the market.

53227 Bonn
10.06.2016 (aktualisiert )

quantilope GmbH

Market Research & Insights Automation

20257 Hamburg
15.02.2017 (aktualisiert )

EURA Drives GmbH

EURA Drives GmbH as a professional company on the drives business market

22844 Norderstedt

Justix GmbH

Who we are We are a fresh startup in LegalTech, but we are backed by a multinational enterprise – so funding is safe. Our business prototype is already running for quite a while and we know we have a great product-market fit. Now, we are building a team

50670 Köln

Solytic GmbH

SOLYTIC builds intelligent technology for the global PV market. With financing from Vattenfall, we’re already regarded by industry experts as ground-breaking.

10115 Berlin

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