Profile Medical Transporter

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Actimi GmbH i.Gr.

Actimi is a med-tech startup from Southern Germany and offers an innovative end-to-end data pipeline to make medical data accessible to patients, doctors and researchers.

70186 Stuttgart

s&kGrey GmbH

Fullservice-Agentur für Medical Communication

79104 Freiburg
21.11.2008 (aktualisiert )

sector5 GmbH & Co. KG

Fachagentur Pharmakommunikation/Medical Education

50672 Köln
05.06.2009 (aktualisiert )

Karl Eberius

Dr. med. Karl Eberius ist Medical Writer, Texter, Medizinjournalist.

79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen

EviMed Online GmbH

EviMed provides highly efficient and cloud based services in oncology that offer healthcare professionals a new way to access the contemporary world of medical information.

50825 Köln
24.04.2012 (aktualisiert )

Dr. Carl GmbH

Medical education: Visualisieriung, Medien und Software zu komplexen medizinischen Themen

70188 Stuttgart
14.03.2013 (aktualisiert )

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