EVERDESIGN | industrial design studio

Industriedesign, Produktdesign, Möbeldesign, Packaging
Industriedesign, Produktdesign, Möbeldesign, Packaging
Durst Software Development GmbH (DSD) mit Sitz in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock, Westfalen, entwickelt und vertreibt Web-to-Print-Software für Druckereibetriebe jeder Größe.
Mobile Apps, Games and Gamification, Responsive Webdesign, Smart TV & Branded Solutions
HQ plus is a start-up based in the heart of Berlin Mitte. We have developed a smart data intelligence tool for the hotel industry and are looking to grow our team.
Hersteller von effizienter LED Beleuchtung für Industrieumgebungen und Smart-Metering Technologien
Digital Marketing Agentur ► Programmatic Advertising ⭐Digital Marketing ⭐ Smart Data ⭐ Ad Tech
IMC AG – Europas führender E-Learning Anbieter
we design and implement a distributed big data and batch and stream processing architecture for smart meter data and non-intrusive load monitoring