Du suchst nach dem Text „Touch Designer“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Designer suchen?
German Autolabs is a Berlin-based technology company focusing on the future of the car. We build products and services to support this exciting evolution, using technology with a human touch to make driving safer and smarter.
Wir entwickeln und kommunizieren Marken. Vom Produkt hin zu allen Touch Points. Digital und analog, lokal und global. Für Start-Ups genauso wie für internationale Konzerne.
Emotional wedding photography with a touch of fashion
Professionelles Makeup mit persönliches Touch. Stylische Frisuren, für Bräute und Models
Founder & Senior Event Manager at Cottage Tent Event | Translator, Post-Editor | Creating event experiences with a personal touch.
Produktdesign, Gestalter, Designer, Produktdesigner, Product Designer, Industriedesigner, Industrial Designer
Interface Designer, UX-Designer, Interaction Designer, Information Architect
Industriedesigner, Industrial Designer, Produktdesigner, Product Designer, Innovation Designer, Produktmanager