Feed is a full service digital creative and technology agency who provide marketing and product development services.
Elevating the home buying experience with smart technology and thoughtful design.
We are the mobile marketing platform for delivering ROI through a unique combination of state‑of‑the-art creative technology, data & artificial intelligence.
Die VIKINX GmbH ist ein junges Unternehmen, das VIKINX als mobilen Stromlieferanten und darüber hinaus als Plattform für Services, Informationen und Dienstleistungen auf dem Markt etabliert.
Next Big Thing AG is a Berlin-based IoT company builder offering a complete framework for the acceleration of IoT ventures. We are an operational VC, technology provider, and innovation partner made up of a strong team of business architects.
TeamViewer is one of the world wide leading solutions for desktop sharing and online collaboration over the Internet.
Swantao.com offers you best quality classroom accessories like Inks using film-forming technology, non-dust products, dusters, boards and other accessories. Visit us for quote.