Matthias Strobel

Video Editor / Senior Writer Producer Premiere Pro Specialist Avid Media Composer Specialist On Air Promotion/ Trailer/ Commercial/ Corporate Video / Campaign / Social Media Spot
Video Editor / Senior Writer Producer Premiere Pro Specialist Avid Media Composer Specialist On Air Promotion/ Trailer/ Commercial/ Corporate Video / Campaign / Social Media Spot
Grafik, RZ, Bildbearbeitung, Video / Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro
Filmschnitt – Premiere Pro Special Effects – Text Animation – After Effects
Mediengestalterin mit Berufserfahrung (Agenturumfeld) und der Neugier auf Neues.
ausgebildeter Mediengestalter, Bachelor of Arts, Freelancer für Beratung und Konzeption, Print und Screen, Animation und Social Media in Konstanz am Bodensee
My core visions and passions are storytelling and creating something that catch and resonates with all kind of audiences.