New BlushVisagistenStylisten Stylingteam New Blush: Fashion Styling & Concept, Visual Arts 04229 Leipzig, Berlin 27.05.2013 (aktualisiert 02.06.2013)
Styling Zuzana VintiškováStylisten STYLING for Foto + Film. Interior. People. Fashion. Food. Stills InteriorEventMesseShowroomParisLondonNew YorkPragMadridLissabon 71634 Ludwigsburg - Stuttgart 10.09.2009 (aktualisiert 16.02.2018)
Alexs Varjao—BackstyleStylisten highly experienced, pro-active, open and adaptable professional, and always motivated by new challenges StylistFashionPhotographyCatwalkAdvertisementVisual MerchandisingFashion FairEventsWindows Decoration 10405 Berlin 19.02.2014 (aktualisiert 13.07.2016)
Lexi GundlackStylisten New Age Fashion Stylist Hamburg StylingHamburgModestyling Fashion StylingModeKostümbildFashion Week 20251 Hamburg 22.05.2023