Lodown Magazine

The most influential magazine on leftfield pop culture and contemporary art you’ve never heard of.
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The most influential magazine on leftfield pop culture and contemporary art you’ve never heard of.
ausgebildeter Mediengestalter, Bachelor of Arts, Freelancer für Beratung und Konzeption, Print und Screen, Animation und Social Media in Konstanz am Bodensee
I studied communication in Turin and I made a Master in Berlin. I am working in Berlin since 5 years in art Galleries, I organize Art events and take also care oh the pubblic relations and web sites of my galleries. since 5 Jears
We build state-of-the-art software, creating transparency for our customers in the development process.
I design delightful and meaningful user experience which fascinates end-users and improves the efficiency of companies, their products and services.
English Copywriter / Content / Texter / Übersetzerin – US Englisch Muttersprachlerin